Publications 2024

ICETOL 2024 Abstract Proceedings Book
ICETOL 2024 Full Paper Proceedings Book

You can evaluate your paper presented at ICETOL 2024 in one of the following publication options.

  1. You can submit it as full text and publish it in the full-text proceeding book. Deadline for submission of full text according to the format: May 30, 2024 (email address:
  2. You can evaluate your paper for publication in the following journals. The articles can be selected for publication after the reviewers’ evaluation. When submitting the article to JETOL, please note in the comments section that it was submitted for the ICETOL special issue.
    1. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning (JETOL) – Special Issue for ICETOL – Submission Deadline: May 30, 2024
    2. International Journal of Computers in Education (IJCE) – Submission Deadline: September 30, 2023
    3. Asian Journal of Distance Education (AJDE)(indexed in ERIC)– The authors of selected papers will be contacted by the editors of AJDE.
    4. Journal of Online Learning Studies (JourOLS) – Submission Deadline: September 30, 2023

Previous Publications
ICETOL 2021 Abstract Proceedings Book
ICETOL 2021 Full Paper Proceedings Book

ICETOL 2022 Abstract Proceedings Book
ICETOL 2022 Full Paper Proceedings Book

ICETOL 2023 Abstract Proceedings Book
ICETOL 2023 Full Paper Proceedings Book